Bernays: Hypnotizing the Consumer
Ever heard of Edward L. Bernays? This dude, a nephew of Sigmund Freud living in the USA, began his role as a "Father of PR" during the First World War. Like Goebbels of Germany in the sequel, he worked to manipulate public opinion through the clever and shameless use of government-sponsored propaganda. A lot can be picked up by reading his theories and following some of his projects, and also by checking into his 1928 book pictured above and to the left.
Bernays, using techniques of social psychology and market research, seamlessly moved back and forth from government to corporate sponsorship. This makes perfect sense: after all, is there any essential difference between government propaganda and corporate public relations or advertising? Either way, a large body with huge economies of scale commits monetary resources to shape how people think and act. Governments and corporations seek to sell something -- a war, a product, a brand, an idea.
If, however, the divergence between rhetoric, flash, and spin control becomes great enough, cognitive dissonance may shake the target audience's beliefs, threatening the manipulation campaign. People like Bernays could care less -- they move on to the next project. People like Goebbels go down with the ship.
After World War One, women earned the right to vote in the USA; but culturally, it was widely seen as cheap and vulgar for women to smoke, drink, act, dance, apply make-up, or otherwise exercise any personal freedoms usually reserved for men. Bernays wanted to change one thing immediately: women and smoking. Why? He wanted to help a client sell more cigarettes. Hence, he launched a highly successful Virginia Slims campaign, transforming the popular image of women smoking into something chic and wonderful, perhaps even healthy. Others worked to make women's ideal body image as sleeker to emulate the small but highly visible contingent of Flappers. Bernays et al. succeeded brilliantly! As late as the 1970s, Virginia Slims sponsored internationally televised sporting events, particularly women's tennis (think Billy Jean King). Ain't that nifty-fifty?
To Bernays, the "truth" was relative, and didn't really matter anyway. What mattered was how to redirect people to believe something you wanted them to believe, even create something out of nothing. In recent times, when exactly did the concept of WMD come into everyone's conciousness? How about the Axis of Evil? The techniques of propaganda/public relations are now as widely used by wildly differing types of insurgencies, Islamic plotters, and leftists as by the traditional right and center. Not to put too fine a point on it. . . . . but if you really want to know what's going on underneath the surface, maybe Bob Dylan has it right: Don't follow leaders: watch the parking meters. Follow the money trail. But follow the ideological trail, too.
It's after closing time. When I snap my fingers, wake up.
Apologies in advance, Erik, but I'll have to disagree with a few of the connotations of your latest entry.
While North Korea, Iran, and Iraq under Saddam weren't exactly a cooperating axis in the purest sense, they certainly have/had no redeeming qualities about them, whatsoever. Perhaps "Geysers of Evil" might be a better term. "Pustules of Evil" might have been more accurate but less diplomatic.
-Iran is threatening to nuke Israel with its peaceful nuclear program, commits pogroms and proscription against nonmuslim minorities, and still sponsors terrorists and suicide bombers.
-Based on reports from sources ranging from Pat Buchanan to Amnesty International, and the undeviating stories of horror from refugees who've escaped, North Korea seems to be the closest thing to an Orwellian Hell one can imagine.
-Saddam's and his family's proclivities are well documented. Iraq wasn't a happy place before the war, no matter what Michael Moore would have you and me believe with his clip of a child flying a kite in a Baghdad suburb. That's not to say that Iraq is in great shape now; at the time "Axis of Evil" was coined, however, Iraq was run by people with few to no redeeming qualities backed by torture, kidnappings, gassings, and secret police.
Just my $.02. While our politics diverge at a few points, I still find your blog quite interesting. At the very least you make your arguments reasonable, as opposed to the Che fans I posted about in my site. :-)
Thanks Stephen, and certainly no need to apologize. I for one wouldn't want to be living in any of those three countries, past, present, oe future.
It's a difficult situation full of potential disasters any way you cut it (international relations). Remember back in the 1980s, when the US supplied arms and intel to both Iraq and Iran, and called Islamic extremists in Afghanistan -- when they were fighting Soviets -- "freedom fighters?" Was this nothing more than a way to keep the Islamic factions fighting each other, and not the USA, its Euro allies, or Israel? Seems cynical and short-sighted.
Michael Moore -- not to sound superficial, but it would be nice to see a change in his image, maybe a haircut and no baseball cap for once?
Thanks for the thoughtful comments! After your Che post, I noticed kids on the street wearing weird things like t-shirts with images of McDonalds' Golden Arches juxtaposed with V. Lenin's dour face -- I have no idea what they're trying to say, but then they probably don't either :->
remember back in the 1980s, when the US supplied arms and intel to both Iraq and Iran, and called Islamic extremists in Afghanistan -- when they were fighting Soviets -- "freedom fighters?" Was this nothing more than a way to keep the Islamic factions fighting each other, and not the USA, its Euro allies, or Israel?
It could be that it still is.
Since the invasion we've had relatively light casualties. That's not to demean the sacrifices of our soldiers in any way, but, historically speaking, this war isn't exactly the Soviet-German front, the Somme, or even Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Sunnis and Shiites are killing each other like there's no tomorrow. Iran is throwing race into the mix, as Persians and Arabs hold no love, whatsoever, for each other. Soon enough, I think, we'll have something that looks like a Persian vs. Arab vs. Shiite vs. Sunni war matrix.
We coexist in the day the day advertisings that in deceive them and have that to have common-sense pra to separate the certainty of the wrong one. But I admire a well done propaganda! (laughs) What I think of the Bush? I find that it is a necessary insane person. Somebody has that to try to place order in the world and it it goes for the way shorter than is of the imposition. The necessary east of a devil and had found in the Bush the perfect vision. Summarizing: "When one does not want, two do not fight" Kisses
i read your post and while i dislike politics with a passion your post was very interesting and made me think. kudos
Thanks, all! Blogger's been having technical difficulties, but I'm glad for all your comments!
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