Thursday, June 08, 2006

Notes from underground

Steve Hayes from South Africa noted my bit on Jack Kerouac's birthday from back in March, for which I'm thankful (his June 7, 2006 post). I like what he's written about Jack, too. Here's a link to his blog -- a reference to the great Dostoevsky novella of the same name, one of my favorites:

Thanks, Steve! Hope all's well in Tshwane.

Ciao. May God go with you.


Panday said...


Any idea why the author chose an M.C. Escher drawing for the cover of a Dostoyevsky book?

Erik Donald France said...


I've no idea. Book design choices seem a little random at times, espcecially for "classics." Good q., though.


Steve Hayes said...

Thanks for the comment... I'm re-reading Crime and punishment at the moment, and like Dostoevsky.