What makes a good interior space? Take the Marisa Tomei character's place in Factotum. To me, Laura's apartment is sweet: intimate but not too crowded. Simple, with decorous touches. Nice couch, perfect tone and texture. Of course, Marisa Tomei's presence is helpful.
Interiors are important, especially if you spend a substantial amount of time living in them. Even Lebowski (the Jeff Bridges character) in The Big Lebowski understands the need for small details like a "rug to tie the room together." The Dude abides.
Interiors are important in writing, too. A minimalist like Raymond Carver sketched just enough interior detail to let the reader "see" the spaces in which his characters do things.
Interior spaces tend to change over time. If we don't want to feel trapped as in a museum space, we move things around, adding and subtracting objects. I once had rooms filled from floor to ceiling with bookshelves and books, but have long since streamlined my personal collection to about 500 at any one time. A feeling of space with plenty of breathing room is conducive to relaxation and creativity. Including the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water completes each space.
Everyone has a slightly different idea as to what makes for a good interior. I'm not a fan of knick knacks, but I do like small accessories strategically placed here and there. The entropic challenge is to prevent a sneaky buildup of clutter, especially during hectic teaching periods; although, admittedly, sometimes it's fun to let things go for a while -- just for the hell of it.
Today's Rune: Partnership.
I agree with you. I love to decorate! Want to come over?
Yes, 500 is a good, workable number. My 1000 is a little hairy.--AP
I'm trying to reduce my collection to...40. Been at it for a year. Wish me luck.
My room is a mess, just moved in three weeks ago, the interior looks like this: a narrow U-shaped walkway, the outer border of which is a the furniture (bed, bookcase, desk, and tv thingie) with the interior of the U being the stuff that hasn't been put in its place yet since I moved. well, most of it - the rest is outside in the shared living room space.
Temporary living...I love it. I'm back!
By the way, I like this blog entry very much. Nice writing. Good topic.
I love marisa tomei! She is awesome. I will send you my story...been really busy lately but hopefully I'll be able to send it to you by tomorrow (Left my jump drive at home with the story on it) I really appreciate it.
Thanks all for the comments! Much appreciated! And Gloria -- for you, anything ;)
Cheers, E'
Re: A Touch of Spice
It was shown at my school by the Greek club. It's available online, but the sub-titled DVDs are rare, so be sure to check that what you buy has English subtitles.
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