Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Coup d'état: Send in the Panzers

While Thaksin Shinwatra, prime minister of Thailand, was in New York City preparing to address the United Nations, General Sonthi Boonyaratglin, the head of the Thai Army, sent tanks and troops into Bangkok and seized power. He has since received the most sincere blessing of the revered Thai monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

It’s been a remarkably quick and so far bloodless coup d'état, or “blow to the state.” General Sonthi, a Muslim, is now serving as both commander of the armed forces and “temporary” prime minister. Most of Bangkok’s ten million people seem either supportive of the move or could care less.

It’s tempting to imagine this happening in the USA (compare the plot in Seven Days in May). Imagine if you will a bumbling and unpopular president who’s overextended the US military, with scheduled elections years away. While the president is relaxing say, at a ranch or on a beach in Australia, a group of disgruntled generals send tanks and airborne troops into Washington, D.C. and take over the Capitol Building, the White House, Congressional and lobbying offices, and the Supreme Court. They also take over network TV and begin broadcoasting official communiques. The entire country is placed under martial law. Any groups of more than five non-government civilians will be dispersed, jailed or shot until further notice. The Constitition is suspended until the Council of Administrative Reform can complete its "business." Elections promised within two years – if we’re good.

In Thailand, this is really happening. “All people should remain peaceful and should listen to orders from General Sonthi Boonyaratglin from now on.”

Meanwhile, back in the real USA . . . . .

Today's Rune: Possessions.

Laew phob gan mai!


Panday said...

After watching that ass, Hugo Chavez, at the UN today, I'd rather a coup were happening in Venezuela than Thailand.

Khruschev had more style when he banged his shoe and promised to bury us (and look where he is now, by the way).

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells of --- victory.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. You are very cool.

Anonymous said...

You can fight or you can surf--Robert Duvall

Anonymous said...

I say we send Renico down to Venz for a little whack.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind going to Thailand on a fact-finding mission if Catherine Deneuve goes with me, purely in an advisory capacity you see.

Jamie said...

hmmm, I'm not sure which is worse: your coup scenario, or Bush staying in power.

ZZZZZZZ said...

I'm just glad they have a law saying you can only serve two terms... fuckin hooray for that one eh?

Luma Rosa said...

Erik, I came running it to leave beijuzinhos and nostalgia to read its blog. I am entering with a reform in house. Please, leaves beijus for Michelle for me? The power is ephemeral! Beijuzinhos!

JR's Thumbprints said...

As much as I'd like to see the Shrub out of office, I still believe in the process. No need to have him overthrown; his days are numbered.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks, y'all for all the comments. Much appreciated!