Sheila believes everything happens for a reason, if not always a good one (see yesterday's comment board). I agree with her. Question is, for what reason?
From my relatively short time here on Earth, this seems kind of daunting to figure out. First of all, things may happen for a variety of reasons. And it depends on exactly what we're talking about when we say "things."
We may have to ascribe things with a reason. Some things that happen may not make sense at the time, but we later figure it out, like, aha, that makes sense now!
Some things may make sense when filtered through a certain belief system. Trouble is, which religion? Can the Twin Towers, for instance, be given multiple reasons for their collapse, depending on who's thinking about it?

To a brilliant atheist, someone like George Carlin, we may be "making shit up" in an effort to stay sane. Maybe. Voltaire, a Deist (perhaps), attributed some things to ignorance, others to the mysteries of nature.
Karma may trigger things naturally, with automatic cause and effect.
(The photo is of Beirut from this summer, in case you're wondering).
When we choose a specific course of action, the result may be partly for this reason -- what we do. And people's responses to what we do. And how we perceive what we do -- and how they perceive what we do. Every action has a consequence. We learn from our mistakes -- or don't. And so on.

Edie Sedgwick may have overdosed because she took too many drugs, but why did she do that?
Or the thing may have happened because of sheer luck (good or bad).
Manifest Destiny.
The cycle of life. And death.
The yin and the yang.
The horrible and the miserable.
Anguish is needed in order to experience Joy.
On purpose. By accident.
Tragedy. Comedy. A mix.
Cause and effect outside our individual control.
Linear time doesn't really exist.
We had lust in our hearts.
We were bored and wanted excitement.
A Higher Power.
The Moon.
The tides.
Psychological factors.
The family system.
Birth order.
Mea Culpa.
Magical thinking.
Luck of the draw.
Not sure, but I am sure Ugis Pinka will tell us.
The Cosmic Wheel of Fortune.
We are the sport of the gods.
The Devil made me do it.
It's all a part of God's plan.
Guardian angels saved us.
His dog told him to do it.
It was a necessary test of faith.
God works in mysterious ways.
Or the Republicans did it (or their failures caused it). Or the Democrats. Bill Clinton. G.W. Bush. The Neo-Cons. The Liberals. France is responsible. Iran. North Korea. The USA. Or the Nazis. Or the socialists. Or the anarchists. Or the communists. The apathetic. The bankers. The Heroes. The Villains. The freedom fighters. The rebels. The insurgents. The patriots. The terrorists. The Axis of Evil. The Cowboys. The Indians. The good guys. The bad guys. The shootout at the OK corral. Bonnie and Clyde. Robin Hood. The Joker. Batman. Superman. And so on.
So, we may agree that things happen for a reason, but is it up to us to figure out what the reason is? Or what the reasons are?
Or should we rely on someone else's interpretation?
Scripture, for instance?

Or, perhaps:
Wayne Newton?
The pope?
A rabbi?
An Ayatollah?
A preacher?
A politician?
A commercial?
A corporation?
A dictator?
A president?
A prime minister?
A queen?
A tarot reading?
A riddle?
A sylph?
An oracle?
A palm reader?
A mystic?
A guru?
A witch?
A shaman?
Our ancestors?
Our fallen?
Our dreams?
Our instincts?

I suspect we frequently do a little consulting (intentionally or subliminally) from such as the previous lists. We are not fully rational, after all; we are human beings. And we are here for a reason, trying to figure things out.
Or maybe the Rapture is at hand? If so, preferably I'll spend it with Debbie Harry or someone else I adore close by -- for solace, consolation, and prayer, of course . . . . .

Today's Rune: Fertility.
Out of Chaos comes Order. Or is it the other way around? It could work both ways I suppose.
Great post! My history teacher once said: "Does peace interrupt war, or does war interrupt peace?" I never really figured it out.
Loving your blog.
Helen x
It boggles the mind, doesn't it
Love this post, Erik! Thought-provoking!
Damn good post. Very though out, and a good twist of humor. Love the Wayne Newton Pic.
I like to blame everything on Rock-n-Roll, the devil's music. Or the fact that Aliens dropped us off on earth and were just one big reality show to them. Sort of like the Twilight Zone's pilot episode.
This is a great post though, keep on trucking.... I mean bloggin.
Were all in a convoy, rollin through the night.....
Thanks, y'all, for the comments!
Here's to the big ole convoy. . .
And: Keep them doggies rollin'
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