The advantages of having older sisters when growing up were many. I could listen to their stories and glimpse their outside social relationships, happily delve into their music and book collections, and discover things, including what kind of music (and people) I liked. One song among many that still sticks and thrills me is the pop song "Venus" by the Dutch group Shocking Blue. It's catchy, ultra-cool, and taps into ancient human lore.

Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of Beauty in love
And Venus was her name
She's got it yeah, Baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad [variation: making every man she met]
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had

Today's Rune: Wholeness.
Viva Shocking Blue and "Venus"!
I was hot for Banarama ever since they came out with "Cruel Summer". Especially the short brunette. :-)
I like the original version by Shocking Blue much more than Bananarama's bubblegum-pop take on it (not enough edge).
Love this song, Erik!
Thanks, y'all, for the comments. Steve, Bananarama is making a comeback, apparently. They have a website with all the info. I prefer darker haired women in dating, always, unlike my friend "K," who prefers blondes. It is not true that gentlemen prefer blondes, nor is it true that blondes have more fun. Jim, edge is always good. Gloria, I know it, you dark-haired goddess. Wicked! ;)
Cheers, then! (as it ends on the Bananarama signup list)
Erik, I can't get "Venus" out of my head after reading this post a few hours ago... the Bananarama version. Didn't know about the original. That's what I love about your blog; I learn a lot! I'll be watching the My Life Without Me film soon...maybe I'll even do a review! Cheers, Robin
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