Like Bob Dylan, Woody Allen keeps going and going. But whereas Dylan recorded Modern Times, his most recent studio work, in New York City, this summer Allen is working on his third straight film in the London area. The newest one, revolving around two brothers in financial trouble, may be more like Match Point than Scoop, but after seeing Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) again recently, it's obvious that Allen himself doesn't worry too much about categorizing his individual efforts, and that even his most serious bits include some humor; conversely, most of his comedy (at least since the 1970s) conveys an underlying seriousness in exploring human nature and our mortality (and morality). Instead of parsing definitions or resting on his laurels or worrying about getting panned, he proceeds to make another movie. The third London adventure includes Ewan McGregor, Colin Farrell, Tamzin Outhwaite (a former East Enders star), and possibly Michelle Williams.
The fabled Spanish film is, apparently, still on track, too, to begin production in 2007. Set in and around bustling Barcelona, it will be an English language film with international actors.
Today's Rune: Movement.
Hasta La Vista!
Alas, Woody never has and probably never will have a true north on his moral compass. Few do.
Speaking of no true moral north, how about Helen of Texas? I don't think Woody has ever shot in the South.
I never really got into woody allen. I don't know why... I know Michelle is obsessed with him! I love hearing her talk about him in class.
Thanks, all, for the comments! As for moral compasses, I'll take the artistic sensibility over stone-throwing zealots any day. Much more fun.
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