Monday, November 06, 2006

Foolish No More! Be Gone, Demons!

In addition to their other extracurricular activities -- the ones they've been condemned for -- Ted Haggard and Saddam Hussein have both written and published books of their own. Haggard may be publicly stoned, and Hussein publicly hanged, but they will still leave a literary legacy.

Haggard whipped together a Christian diet book (he likes to stay fit for his leisure time, I suppose), and most recently, he came out with Foolish No More! Seizing a Life Beyond Belief (2005). This is true.

Saddam Hussein has been busy, too. In the last six or seven years, he managed to churn out four books -- both creative nonfiction and allegorical fiction. Again, this is true.

Hussein's books are titled Zabibah and the King, Men and a City (alternately Men and the City), The Fortified Castle, and his most recent effort which has all sorts of English translations ranging from Devil's Dance, Get Out, Damned One, and my favorite, Be Gone, Demons!

Furthermore, Zabibah and the King has been adapted into musical theatre, perhaps to be brought to the silver screen in due time. I can imagine a full-throttled Bollywood version, certainly.

Whatever happens to these unfortunate fellow writers, may they ultimately rest in peace. As they must know as well as anyone, real life is much stranger than fiction.

Today's Rune: Opening.

Fiimaan illaah!


Laura said...

Who in their right mind would buy a book written by that potato-head Saddam!!!

Anonymous said...

Allah akbar!

JR's Thumbprints said...

When my wife and I get tired of the typical Hollywood movies, we turn to Bollywood. As for Haggard and Hussein, I guess anyone can churn out a book. Hey, we got Mitch Albom writing fiction!

ZZZZZZZ said...

He wrote a book? huh. Surprising.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks, all for the comments! Much appreciated.