Monday, January 29, 2007

The Song Remains the Same

Not a post-9/11 poster. From The Great War of 1914-1918. Fear the Zeppelin. Fear the Hun. Is this message any more logical than the Bush-Cheney mantra fight over there (in Baghdad) so "they" don't come here? As if a wily other side couldn't do both.

From the German side of The Great War. Creepy if you ask me -- sort of like a demented Goya painting, only set a hundred years after the Napoleonic Wars. Here we come! Coming to get ya!

Led Zeppelin album cover. I remember my sister Linda being dropped off to see them live. Unlike the Hindenburg, lucky her!

Today's Birthdays include Anton Chekhov's and Tom Paine's.

Today's Rune: Fertility.

Don't fear the Reaper. Adieu!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your blog daily. Sorry I' don't comment often. I had to comment on Led Zeplin Live..You can ask your sister, but I saw them play at Cobo Arena in Detroit early 70's twice. Both times Jimmy page was so drunk and stoned he could not keep up with the music. The band was off key and off beat for most of the concert because of it. I don't think you missed much. MW

JR's Thumbprints said...

With today's technology, an air attack of Zeppelins would make for one great comedy show. In regards to a Led Zeppelin concert, I don't think it would've mattered how drunk and off key Jimmy Page was, his loyal fans were probably just as bad. I hope I'm not insulting your sister; we already know MW went sober.

Anonymous said...

Reprise the Battle of Lepanto for the clash of civilizations--Christendom v. Islam. Iraq is a battle in the larger war of Western Civilizatioin v. the Koran. We will win, despite the Jane Fondas and Susan Sarandons of the world who, at their age, should be home knitting anyway.

Charles Gramlich said...

Hum, that "comin' to get ya" sounds like an old Ted Nugent lyric.

Erik Donald France said...

MW, Jim, Samuel and Charles,

thanks for the comments, much appreciated. MW, I'll check with my sister -- it was also early 70s, but in Durham, North Carolina.

Samuel, you are oversimplifying. There's always some enemy to whip us into line. Has there ever NOT been?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Samuel but I am 72 and not sitting home knitting. I have a brain and a voice and intend to keep on using both. Wars are waging, blood is being shed, humans are dying. The world is insane. Us versus Them be it culture or religion. When will we ever learn to co exist even tho we don't always agree? When we realize that this life on Earth is worth living and not some promise for a future in a utopian heaven?

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the Jihadists. I'm from the make-love-not-war generation. But I really wanted to visit the World Trade Center one day. I hope we drop an H-Bomb on Mecca.