Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Women of La Mancha

Pedro Almodóvar has created another masterwork with Volver (2006, "Return"). Set in crazy windy La Mancha and in working class Madrid, it weaves the colorful tale of an ensemble of women. Between strong characters, unfolding plot twists, brilliant moving camera angles, varying hues and tones, Spanish-dramatic music and any number of other deft touches, Volver is well worth experiencing theatrically, big screen and all. And more than once.

Raimunda (Penélope Cruz) and Sole (Lola Dueñas), Paula (Yohana Cobo), Irene (Carmen Maura), Agustina (Blanca Portillo), Aunt Paula (Chus Lampreave) and the entire supporting cast are superb.

Volver is not a film to be pigeon-holed to specific genre. Almodóvar's vision is dazzling -- as dazzling as, say, Fellini's. At the film's conclusion, I thought, Wow, that was something. I am glad to be alive!

Almodóvar loves women and the intricacies of social relationships, no question. His art transcends worldly travesty.

Which reminds me that Penélope Cruz has reportedly signed on for Woody Allen's "Barcelona project," to be completed sometime in 2007.

Today's Rune: Defense. Dangerously cold in Detroit.

Happy birthday to Gertrude Stein and also to Joseph E. Johnston (his 200th birthday!), general in both the U.S. and C.S. armies and the primary subject of my doctoral thesis ("Joseph E. Johnston and the Family List," Temple University, 2001). He shall return.

Viva Volver!


Danny Tagalog said...

Well, I'm won over. Is it out on video yet? It's the sort of movie which will satisfy all in this house.

Mmmmmm....Penelope Cruz....:)

Bird on a Wire said...

I still haven't seen it, but I'm so looking forward to "Volver." It's showed up in a festival or two here in Albuquerque, festivals I've regretably missed.

I hope to catch this one before it hits DVD.