Friday, September 14, 2007

Sexual Politics

Amy Winehouse turned all of 24 today -- a year younger than Britney Spears. But then, she's an entirely different kind of person, more like Patti Smith, Chrissie Hynde, Debbie Harry and Courtney Love than like any of the L.A. plastic teenyboppers.

The downside is, she may end up like Janis Joplin -- dead at 27. Hopefully not.

Two albums so far: Frank (2003) and Back to Black (2006). The first has a jazzy touch; the second, a more "girl group"/Motown feel. She's cool, no question. "Rehab" is priceless, as is "You Know I'm No Good" (used to promote the AMC series Mad Men, which I'm digging for its own exploration of gender and power in the early 1960s).

Winehouse is wild, to be sure, and like Meg White of The White Stripes, had to cancel a U.S. tour -- both tentatively rescheduled for 2008. All I can say is: stay away from Pete Doherty of Babyshambles -- run like Kate Moss did!

Kate Millett, Sexual Politics (1968) -- exactly. Millett also traveled to Iran in 1979 and was thrown out for supporting women's rights and generally stirring up trouble. Good for her.

Danielle Peck -- she's a badass, I'm guessing. Especially in the world of Country. It needs more badass again.

Today's Runes: Opening; Fertility.

Birthdays: Alexander von Humboldt, Margaret Sanger, Jack Hawkins, Jacob Arbenz, Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger), Mario Bendetti, Larry Collins, Allan Bloom, Kate Millett, Sam Neill, Steve Gaines & Ed King (Lynyrd Skynard), Kimberly Williams, Denielle Peck, Amy Winehouse.

1 comment:

JR's Thumbprints said...

Two good music pics in a row. Let's hope Amy Winehouse doesn't flame out early.