She was walking all alone
Down the street in the alley
Her name was Sally
She never saw it
When she was hit by space junk
In New York, Miami Beach
Heavy metal fell in Cuba, Angola, Saudi Arabia
On Christmas Eve (said NORAD)
A Soviet Sputnik hit Africa
India, Venezuela (in Texas, Kansas)
It's falling fast: Peru, too
It keeps coming
And now I'm mad about space junk
I'm all burned out about space junk
Oooh walk & talk about space junk
It smashed my baby's head
And now my Sally's dead
Devo, 1978
Today, the US Navy is preparing to shoot down a busted American spy satellite loaded with toxic fuel. . . . . Is this the truth, or a cover story straight out of James Bond?

The 1991 Wim Wenders film Until the End of the World has much of the world's sentient population bracing for the crash of a nuclear-powered Indian satellite . . . there will be fallout!

Speaking of fallout, I guess we've given up on the idea of shelters.

But once again, consider the possibilities. The good life in a shelter. A mineshaft a la Dr. Strangelove . . . . . The American Dream, air-conditioned nightmare . . .
Today's Rune: Strength. Yesterday's: Journey.
I love that first Devo album-- I referred to it recently.
At the library yesterday, I almost checked out "Diamonds Are Forever." As always, art trumps life, doesn't it?
Like that "Space junk"
Yeah, whatup wit dat? Maybe our garbage is coming to life and seeking revenge on us . . . in the form of Frankentrash.
Well, all I have to say is if that story is real and that scenario really happens . . . I better finally get my Judy Jetson suit! I ordered it decades ago . . . and the future is now. We may not have much more time with the way we are screwing with things and screwing things up.
This is all so bizarro, don't you think?
Well, I guess it is / was true. I'll take a silver one, size 6, please.
They did hit it with amazing accuracy. Wow.
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