Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! On this culturally fraught and freighted day, the only bad experiences I've had were thanks to a shrewish, ungrateful wife -- now ex-wife -- who thought flowers "too funereal" and trips to a city like Chicago "too tiresome." Those years are long out, replaced by much more fun Valentine's dates. Indeed, as the song goes, "each day is Valentine's Day." I hope readers have a simple, no-stress time of it because in the end, that's better than the alternative. Especially to the young dramatic 20-somethings -- good luck to y'all! As Dorothy Parker quipped, "I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better." She also sagely noted: "Brevity is the soul of lingerie."

Debbie Harry back in 1978: bring on the night . . .

Treat her well, for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . . . Honor Blackman as Ms. Cathy Gale in The Avengers.

Dig: Diana Rigg as Ms. Emma Peel . . .
Today's Rune: Flow.
Hey, happy stress-free Valentine's day to you, too!
I watch the scrambling at work every year as guys go running around trying to buy some romance cred, always at the last minute. It can be a tough time.
Glad it's more fun for you now. For me, my bride gets home at 9:30 and I have a bottle of champagne, a hookah and some truffles waiting to help her unwind.
Mystery Channel was re-running "The Avengers" but they stopped. Kind of a shame not to have it on. I can remember Emma Peel shooting open the champagne every week on ABC, though I was too young to follow the plots very well.
Sounds like you got out in time! Glad you're now living every day like it's Valentine's Day; those lucky ladies!
Thanks y'all for the comments! Bubs, you've got the swank life down. If I was still smoking, I'd have to try a hookah . . .
Sidney, same here except at some point I did get to see the whole run. Tortured plots, but still fun.
Beth, how sweet! Loking forward to listening to your latest uber-mix again. It certainly works ;)
I broke up with a girl on Valentine's Day years ago (1992?). A few years ago, I was walking out of a grocery store near my home with my son when I realized that she was sitting behind the wheel of the car I was walking in front of in the fire lane. By the look on her face when she realized who I was, I think that if my son had not been there, she might have run me over. "The wrath of a woman scorned" indeed.
I remember having a major crush on Diana Rigg when I was like five years old.
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