Latest Esquire (June 2008) has a thoughtful essay by Charles P. Pierce, "The Cynic and Senator Obama" (pages 107-115) placing the 2008 election in historical context. Here's a brief sample:
The war powers of the Congress had been deeded wholesale to the executive long before Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz and a passel of think-tank cowboys found within them the right of a fecklessly incompetent president to make war unilaterally on anyone, anywhere, forever. The war in Iraq is the powerful bastard child of the Iran-Contra scandal, which went unpunished.
The ownership of the people over their politics -- and therefore, over their government -- had been placed in quitclaim long before the towers fell, and the president told the people to be just afraid enough to let him take them to war and just afraid enough to reelect him, but not to be so afraid that they stayed out of the malls . . . (p. 110)
First of all, anyone these days who even contemplates Iran-Contra let alone invokes it to gird an argument has got to be applauded. Secondly, the overall essay takes Barack Obama quite seriously, if cautiously. Given Obama's imminent status as Democratic challenger for the presidency, this is a timely piece worth thinking about.
As of about now, most of the pre-Fort Sumter secessionist and ride 'em cowboy states lean McCain/modern Republican and most of the Upper South and old Union states lean Obama/modern Democratic or are in play. Today's Democrats need a net gain of one major state from 2004 to win in November.
Yesterday's Rune: Warrior. Today's Rune: Wholeness.
I hear rumors that Hillary is about ready to drop out.
"The war in Iraq is the powerful bastard child of the Iran-Contra scandal, which went unpunished."
Ain't it the unfortunate truth. I remember Reagan's repeated "I don't remember," & thought I'd tuck that convenient excuse away in case I ever had to use it. Unfortunately I have ethics. I always doubted the Alzheimer's diagnosis that came not long after...
It'll be interesting to see the strategy Obama chooses-- to go for a bunch of smaller states, like he did in the primary, or one or two strategic bigger states.
Were I his advisor, I'd tell him to write off Florida-- the whoring the last two Dems did for that state and still lost tells me that. If he took the "big strategic state" route, I'd tell him to concentrate on Ohio. If he takes the "small strategic states" route, perhaps North Carolina, Louisiana and Iowa.
I never thought that a guy younger than me would be running for President (at least until I was in my sixties or so).
If Michigan does not go for Obama in the general election I am definitely getting out.
mmmm, interesting that some were for Hillary and now they are for Obama. Also, interesting that someone wrote about the whoring of FL. MI?
Social justice and peace.
mmmmmm, this is so very interesting. We blame everything on the Republicans.
Are we truly honest people? Do any of us lie? Do any of us cheat on our spouses? Have we been dishonest at our jobs? Taken advantage of people who have been generous with us? It will be very interesting to see what happens in Novemember.
mmmm, interesting that some were for Hillary and now they are for Obama. Also, interesting that someone wrote about the whoring of FL. MI?
Social justice and peace.
mmmmmm, this is so very interesting. We blame everything on the Republicans.
Are we truly honest people? Do any of us lie? Do any of us cheat on our spouses? Have we been dishonest at our jobs? Taken advantage of people who have been generous with us? It will be very interesting to see what happens in Novemember.
Are we truly honest people...personally I think the examples of honesty given do not reach to the political arena. Marital honesty...Taking advantage...Getting from a job things not in the job title...these are all personal issues.
List the political reasons for going to the Republicans if you can. Of course any thinking person who supported Mrs. Clinton will now throw their support to Obama, that is what a political party's campaign is about...deciding who will represent the party.
As for FL & MI we may have gotten screwed but we never sold out. Thus we were not whored we were pimped.
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