Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stop the Presses: Penn State Beats Ohio State in Columbus!

You know it's an extraordinary year when Penn State beats Ohio State in Columbus. Last time that happened, I was seventeen and Jimmy Carter was president of the United States.

Defense carried most of the game. Final score: 13-6. Crowd: more than 105,000. Hats off to PSU's 81-year old head coach Joe Paterno ("JoePa "), the Penn State Nittany Lions, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!

Today's Rune: Fertility.


JR's Thumbprints said...

I worked with a guy who played for Penn State. His knees were shot by the time the Detroit Lions drafted him. He ended up taking a low paying teaching job in Detroit. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

You know your Dad is walking on air
after that win. All the PSU paraphanalia was/is out and decorating the living room. And how about UNC. Go teams! MOM

Charles Gramlich said...

I watched this one and enjoyed it much. Was good to see Penn State pull it out.