When modern freedom of expression collides with religious tradition, watch out for the fireworks. There will probably always be people who respond with violence -- as is the case when, say, an artist publishes a cartoon image of Muhammad and draws death threats or assassination.
Above is "American Fundamentalists (Christ's Entry into Washington in 2008)" by Joel Pelletier (after Belgian artist James Ensor's "Christ's Entry into Brussels," 1888-1889), 2004.

Just lately, there's this Mexican Playboy cover showing María Florencia Onori (PG rating) lamely modeled after the Virgin Mary, I suppose. "Te Adoramos, María," proclaims the caption. According to Alex Dobuzinskis, with Bob Tourtellotte and Todd Eastham, Reuters, "Nude Virgin Mary cover prompts Playboy apology" (12/13/2008):
Raul Sayrols, publisher of Playboy Mexico, said in a statement, "The image is not and never was intended to portray the Virgin of Guadalupe or any other religious figure. The intent was to reflect a Renaissance-like mood on the cover."
Playboy Mexico printed 100,000 copies of the issue.
Weird composition, aside from "intent" and "mood." But I say: big whup. Madonna has stirred up trouble repeatedly over the years toying with the same kind of imagery. Even her stage name spotlights the idea of the "Madonna-whore" complex, which gets at a core issue: what is the "proper" role of women in a society? Again, freedom collides with religious tradition. Hopefully by now, there are thousands of "roles" for woman to fulfill besides the extreme ones of pedestal or scapegoat.
Compare notes with the Gospel of Elvis, from Change of Habit (1969):
Today's Rune: Initiation.
Is there such a dichotmy for males,
re the ideal/the whoremaster? Or is it just the females who are in the juxtaposition of Madonna/Whore?
Indeed. In Change of Habit, three nuns go to "the ghetto" and dress "as women first, nuns second," and Elvis falls in love with (Sister) Michelle, played by Mary Tyler Moore. Complications follow.
(An actual dichotomy for men: those with guns, and those who dig, those who abuse power/force in the personal or public sphere, and those who don't.)
Idealizations of women probably revolved around issues of procreation, the Mary and Mary theme, sex for fun and sex for family. Muslims and Christians have some pretty weird ideas, depending on sect, worldliness, literacy, brainwashing, and all that jazz. If people weren't being stoned and beheaded and bombed over such issues, it might seem ludicrous. Either way, absurd.
Very interesting painting, and that Playboy cover is pretty obvious. I wonder who thought that was a good idea.
I read about that Mexico issue. Guess the controversy should not come as a surprise.
Just another sects magazine. She doesn't look like a virgin to me.
Sanna hey, sanna ho...
That magazine is blasphemous, but the Elvis was divine.
That's an understatement that the magazine didnt intend to portray Virgin Mary, common are we that dumb. I think this is very unrespectful for all faiths including Muslims. Did you know that the only verse in the Holy Quran named after a woman is called "Mariam" Virgin Mary?
I stopped looked and listened baby and Elvis sang..."When Mary Jane came along I was with somebody else." Was it diet pills? Pain relievers...both?
It has always been that when the secular world publishes the religious finds objectionable material...ask Galileo.
Speaking of mashups, check this out. (If you search YouTube for "mashup," you get a lot of interesting stuff, of course.)
I must confess a weakness for Elvis movies, including "Change of Habit." I watched it recently and was kind of amazed at how they were actually attempting some social statements.
And who they hell wouldn't fall in love with a young Mary Tyler Moore?
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