Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Who Do You WORK For?

Synchronicity is undeniably real, at least from a subjective point of view.

Check this out, and compare to posts from the last ten days or so:

Back at Mt. Carmel, the strong-arm tactics were escalating. Tanks, helicopters, tear gas, concertina wire, snipers, and recordings of Nancy Sinatra singing "These Boots Are Made for Walking" were all variously employed -- to no avail. (Source: Mary G. Gotschall, "A Marriage Made in Hell - Branch Davidian Trial," National Review, 4/4/1994)

Nancy Sinatra's hit song used for American government PSYOPS -- no joke! In this case, the government unnecessarily escalated its siege of the Branch Davidian compound outside of Waco, Texas using bizarre, twisted tactics in 1993 that tragically unfolded in violent clashes between government agents and Branch Davidians, directly resulting in nearly a hundred violently killed.

Thanks to synchronicity or whatever, there seem to be real connections between the MOVE tragedies in Philadelphia, and Waco, and Jonestown, and the US invasion of Panama, and Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, The Sopranos, Burn After Reading, and on and on.

I'm about a third into Jon Ronson's The Men Who Stare at Goats (2004), and it's helping connect some of the more bizarre dots from Vietnam to the recent past into real patterns, sort of like the Heidelberg Project in Detroit.

Lucky me. I lived near the first MOVE battleground, and I've seen firsthand the eerie ground where the Branch Davidian siege occurred at Mount Carmel, on the Double E Ranch.

I'm having to go with Ronson's slant -- PSYOPS are based on bizarre precepts. I also go with others' conclusions that much violence can -- and should -- be avoided when and where possible. There are in most situations, however tedious and patience-testing, more civilized and more effective alternatives than mass killings based on terribly misguided notions.

Today's Rune: Defense.


the walking man said...

"Only use as much violence as necessary to accomplish your goal"
Abbie Hoffman

For some reason the American public believes that every four or eight years we have a change in government. Do we? We have a change in administrators of government but it is still the same government with the same functionaries running the various departments.

Sure we change heads in the departments, but them that really run them are the same. The career functionaries do not change their minds about how to do things or what reality they are trying to impose on the world.

It does not surprise me that there is continuity over twenty or thirty years of government action. Government, after all, is an organism that as its first goal is self preservation.

Joe said...

Several years ago I got to talk with one of the FBI profilers/negotiators who was at Waco. He left the bureau not long after Waco, and his account of the differences between the tactical command and the negotiators, and how the whole thing escalated and unfolded, was tragic.