Saturday, January 03, 2009

One More Bloodbath for the Road

Right up to their last days, everything the Bush-Cheney people and their allies touch turns into blood and shit.

I don't know which is worse, Bush's bufoonishly naive "beliefs" or Cheney's depraved and utterly destructive "we good/they bad" worldview.

Does anyone else remember this gem? "President Bush Predicts Middle East Peace Deal" (Telegraph, January 11, 2008): "President George W. Bush has predicted that a Middle East peace treaty will be signed by the time he leaves office, while on a visit to Israel. . . 'I'm on a timetable,' he told reporters. 'I've got 12 months.' . . . 'I believe it's possible - not only possible, I believe it's going to happen - that there [will] be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office (in January 2009).'"

We have a little over two more weeks to go and can only hope that Prick Cheney doesn't have his way. He'd have a U.S.-approved Israeli air strike against Iran before he heads back for the cowboy hills. If such was the case, Gaza would merely be a diversion (albeit a savage and brutal one) for even bigger fireworks to come.

These idiots have ineptly sponsored wars from Somalia to Pakistan, from Georgia to Iraq, from Lebanon to Afghanistan -- all of them epic disasters now and unpardonable clusterfucks. Condoleezza Rice is a worthless Secretary of State, a feckless stooge. What a gargantuan shit storm the incoming administration will have to deal with! God help the civilians caught in the crossfire in Gaza and everywhere. Indeed, God help us all.

Today's Rune: Opening.


Charles Gramlich said...

Yes, Obama will have to change a lot of filthy diapers that the Bush folks filled before he's able to start working on his own agenda.

Danny Tagalog said...
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Danny Tagalog said...

Obama will be continuing their agenda. The blood has been spilt; time to mop it up with a clean-shaven intellectual at the helm.

That Telegraph article is a damn good find.

January 03, 2009

the walking man said...

God damn the chickenhawks.

Distributorcap said...

I don't know which is worse, Bush's bufoonishly naive "beliefs" or Cheney's depraved and utterly destructive "we good/they bad" worldview.

you are so right my friend. I like how Bush is also just pawning this off on Obama -- after all a vacation is a vacation, even with 16 days to go.

obama will not able to fully clean up the bush shit streak - no one can.

of course the israelis would not have done this without tacit bush/cheney approval.

Anonymous said...

I agree with TWM. Jesse Ventura was right on using that phrase and assesment of the individuals mentioned. Enjoyed the post. MW

Ali Dahmash said...

Bring a map to G W Bush and ask him to locate Gaza, Lebanon, Iran and see his answer, he doesnt know!

We Palestinians never believe such prmomises by American presidents, Israelis, Egyptians, Saudis, Europeans and soon the French. We are sick of unimplemented UN respolutions and voices of condemnation that doenst stop the bloodshed. We know that one day we will get our independence and get our rights back. I just hope those will be by peaceful means.

JR's Thumbprints said...

The Shrub can't multiple (can he?); Why make promises/predictions (until he gets his multiplication facts down)?

Johnny Yen said...

Indeed, the New York Times is speculating that the main reason they're doing this is that they feel that they won't be able to get away with this in the next administration.

I'm curious if the Israelis will launch a strike at Iran's reactor the way they did to Iraq's in 1981. As illegal as that raid was, I'm not sure I'm opposed to it.

Incidentally, Ilan Ramon, the Israeli pilot who was killed in the space shuttle Colombia disaster, participated in that raid, Operation Opera.