Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Black on Green with the Coen Brothers

Have you seen the "this is reality" spot questioning the cleanliness of "clean" coal? The above clip from the environmental coalition (and the finished product) can be found here:


The Coen brothers score again . . .

We human beings are a bit crazy, careless and reckless, aren't we? Coal provides power, but mining it brought many of my ancestors to an early end from black lung and, in one case, from an outright mine explosion and collapse. These ancestors worked like dogs in the coal fields of Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois in the late 1800s and early 1900s. No more.

If we're going to be serious about "greening," let's be real about what greening means. It's got to be more than a happy label. And that includes vehicle emissions, unless we want to end up like the Romans, drinking out of lead vessels and slowly poisoning ourselves to death while also going crazy.

Happy Black on Green Day!

Today's Rune: Defense.


Charles Gramlich said...

Unfortunately, so many humans are bandwagon types. Somebody shouts green and they jump on. Like with Ethanol for a while. I'm all for green but I want it to be green all the way through, not rusty beneath.

the walking man said...

In Spain the towns and villages are using the cemeteries as solar farms. If my parents had graves I think they wouldn't mind being shaded by a solar cell.

Anonymous said...

It ain't easy bein' green.--Kermit