Friday, May 15, 2009

Acoma: Pueblo in the Sky

Off the top of my head, the two most interesting places I've visited in the past year have been Baker's Keyboard Lounge in Detroit (celebrating its 75th anniversary this month, but on the verge of closing due to a tragic lack of sufficient interest even among Michiganders, I guess) and The Acoma Pueblo, autonomously inside the borders of what is now called New Mexico.

Baker's has a rich history and has the most positively relaxed and life-affirming "race relations" I've ever experienced in my life. Acoma is even more fascinating -- it has a continuous tradition going back more than 900 years.

I love them both and recommend them both to anyone and everyone with an open mind and open heart. More on this again soon, I suspect. They are exceptionally world class places to see and experience.

Until then, here's a link to Baker's in Detroit:

And one for Acoma:

Here's a cultural advocacy contest: I'll send a $25 money order to the first two people who spend time at either Baker's Keyboard Lounge or Acoma Pueblo and can prove it with photographs and a date stamp of some kind (holding up a newspaper would work, for instance). And optionally, I'd be happy to post the results or retain privacy -- your choice.

Today's Rune: Defense.


the walking man said...

Erik...You may want to put an e-mail addy with your offer so people know where to send the picture...

While I won't be taking advantage of this I think I will re-post it on TWM just to help you give some money away.

JR's Thumbprints said...

But isn't the Country Hoedown this weekend? Isn't Wille in town? Maybe if the weather sucks I'll head indoors.

Erik Donald France said...

There's a direct email link on the profile page, or try: