Saturday, May 30, 2009

London's Burning Dial 99999

Some artifacts from sojourns in London. Fun typescript book with a lot of photos: The Lives & Crimes of Iggy Pop (Manchester: Babylon Books, 1982). Picked it up in 1983. From the introduction (truer now than ever): "Despite everything -- or maybe because of everything -- Iggy Pop has survived into the '80s and while his balding contemporaries fade into the gloom of long-gone music fashions he remains defiant -- the leper messiah incarnate . . . in a terminally dull world . . ."

Lots to say about Piccadilly at some point.

The tribute to Brian Jones. Hyde Park, July 5, 1969. The people I boarded with in the early 90s casually recalled when Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull dropped by on their way to the concert to drop off Marianne's son Nick, like it was yesterday. In the grand scheme of things, it was yesterday. The blink of an eye.

Today's Rune: Defense.


the walking man said...

Time passing makes one want to glue the eyelids open so there is no more blinking.

Johnny Yen said...

Saw the Ig with the Stooges a couple of years ago-- it was a day or two before his 60th birthday. Saw him twice in 1988.

Who thought rock and roll would last this long, and remain so vital? Can you imagine teenagers in 1969 listening to music from 1929? Yet, my kids regularly listen to music that is 40 years or more old.

Charles Gramlich said...

Iggy pop the leper messiah. I like that!

jodi said...

Erik, the Igster was hot back in the day. Sort of..

JR's Thumbprints said...

How can you go from "Allentown" to the Igster in back-to-back blog posts? It just doesn't sound right. Neither do Carnival Cruise Line commercials with Iggy's music.

Adorably Dead said...

I'm embarressed to say that I'm pretty sure I've never heard Iggy Pop. Heard of him certainly, but heard him no.

And in response to your last comment, Rocky Mount, NC my friend. And in November because I'm garunteed a place to stay down there and the long distance boyfriend from Canada is moving to be with me and not so long distance anymore at the end of the year. I just want things set up for him ahead of time.

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