Thursday, May 21, 2009

Priests, Vows of Celibacy and Reality

We've heard the stories, read them, and sometimes must wonder how much more is going on behind the curtains. Is it realistic for Catholic priests to hold to vows of celibacy in the 21st century? Take Padre Alberto Cutié (that's him on a book cover, not some morphing of John Travolta -- that one's a Scientologist): having been "caught" with a woman, he shrugs his shoulders and prepares to leave the priesthood. He doesn't really want to challenge official dogma at this juncture, either, but plans to make the best of it. He'll serve the Catholic Church as a non-priest, then, and continue to see his "special lady friend."

I wonder if celibacy will be made optional, at least for parish priests, when the next pope comes along? What one pope can lay down as dogma, another can revoke.

Today's Rune: Partnership.


Johnny Yen said...

It's funny to look at the history of the church-- the celibacy was added at some point. Back in the day, priests-- and popes-- had wives, mistresses, and children.

Adorably Dead said...

I wonder why celibacy was added in there to begin with if it didn't start that way?

the walking man said...

Initially celibacy was apparently added to church canon somewhere between the 9th century to 12th century so the children of priests would not be able to inherit church property.

With the Catholic church being two thousand years old and mostly intractable about moral issues I doubt you will ever see a change until there is another Vatican council convened. Seeing as how there was just 2 of them I doubt you'll see another for at least 5 centuries.

Charles Gramlich said...

It put a whole new spin on the issue for me when I found out it was mostly an economic decision.

nunya said...

Hey, thanks for this post Erik.

the walking man,

Thanks for answering my question.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks all, for the comments. Much appreciated and enjoyed!

jodi said...

Hey Erik, you are right--he does look sorta Travoltaish! I remember growing up, we had a very handsome, charasmatic, priest that everyone loved. Including his bookkeeper. He ended up leaving the preisthood and having children. Too bad, for those of us who could have accepted him married and what not, because he could preach and teach with the best of them!