Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This One Goes Out to My Parents

Here's from a newspaper clipping of my Mom from the early 1950s. East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.

Here's my Dad, Donald Delbert France, from around the same time and place.

Here's my parents on a business trip, 1980s or early 90s.

This one goes out to ones I love -- my parents. Though in Detroit, I'm also with you in heart and spirit in North Carolina!

Today's Rune: Movement.


Adorably Dead said...

How neat, I'll be moving to North Carolina in four months! And your mom is so pretty!

Charles Gramlich said...

Well said!

the walking man said...

Hiya moms and pops. Sorry you can't have him back just yet...we have need of him here a bit longer. We'll loose the cage for a visit soon though.

Ali Dahmash said...

That is so nice of you Erik, I like that!

Sidney said...

Very cool. How time flies.

jodi said...

Aww Eric, Mom and Dad look so cute. I am having my Mom here for a visit this weekend--can't wait!

JR's Thumbprints said...

If my parents lived in North Carolina, I'd probably leave Michigan. At one time, I had a N.C. teaching certificate.

That was mighty nice of you to give "a shout out" to your folks.

Deedee said...

How lovely!

t said...

you look like your dad. when he was younger.
You have hot parents :)