Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Post-American World: GM Spins Off The Hummer

General Motors, the once-dominant American corporation based in Detroit, USA, will spin off its clunky militaristic Hummer brand to the Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Company, based in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Though many Americans have probably never even heard of Chengdu, the city is more than ten times larger than Detroit, and growing rapidly.

At least for the next few years, Hummers will still be built in the United States, primarily for their new Chinese owners, who will probably deploy them mostly for heavy construction-type work.

Still reading a very pertinent and helpful book by Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World (2009 edition with new preface). Helpful in grasping the convulsive paradigm shift away from "The American Century" into a more complex, multi-polar reality that the USA no longer dominates. Best read to the tune of Bob Dylan's "It's All Good"!

Today's Rune: Journey.


Anonymous said...

"Best read to the tune of Bob Dylan's "It's All Good"!" Haha, the perfect way to end the article. However, I think China's ability to "become the next super power" is highly overestimated by many. I believe that its large population, poverty levels, and evironmental issues are problems that are too big to overcome in a short period of time despite overall economic growth. I also think the USA's ability to recover is often underestimated.


Charles Gramlich said...

Americans have got a lot to learn. I only hope I can keep up.

Distributorcap said...

teh fact we are falling is killing the newts and rushes of this country - what they dont understand is that they are the cause of the fall