Monday, July 27, 2009

A Godawful Statistic

More than 90% of inmates are male. Which means women voters should have an edge, over time. If memory serves, ex-cons can't vote. This is pitiful.


Charles Gramlich said...

It's pretty scary, but I'd think it's a bit misleading unless you controlled for population change. Plus, better policing methods. How many folks in the 20s should have been locked up and weren't? but still, yeah it is alarming.

jodi said...

Erik, how can limits be put on anyones right to vote?

the walking man said...

Depends on the state, ex-convicts can vote in MI.

JR's Thumbprints said...

The Walking Man is correct. I believe New York lets their inmates vote. Michigan doesn't.

nunya said...

In the USA convicts and voting rights in the US

In only 10 states convicted felons may lose the right to vote permanently in their own state, but not in another state. The laws are not exactly consistent across state lines.