Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is This Blasphemy or Comedy Central?

"Opponents to continue fight after blasphemy made illegal" (7/24/2009, The Independent, Irish edition, Allison Bray)

"ANYONE who insults another person about a matter held sacred by their religion can now be found guilty of a criminal offence and fined €25,000 under new laws that came into effect yesterday. . ."

Well Gosh-Darn-It
My Crimminy
By Jiminy Cricket
Jesus H. Christ on a Crutch!

Shit, man:
how dumb can we get?


Distributorcap said...

you ask how dumb we can get? arent we ready to elect sarah palin?

JR's Thumbprints said...

Stoopid is as Stoopid does.

jodi said...

Dumb as a stump, as we say up north....

Charles Gramlich said...

The big can of worms here is what is deemed an insult. I can see an issue if I were to do something insulting to the Koran while I was arguing with a worshipper of islam. But if there is no direct target of the behavior how can it possible be an insult?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, can't they see that one peron's profane is another person's sacred? Who's to decide which sets of beliefs constitute "religion"? If you insult a UFO cultist's beliefs, are you in trouble? What about Scientology, or even Satanism for that matter?


Mark Krone said...

Ulysses is profane, vulgar, and purposely blasphemous. It is also the greatest Irish work of art produced in the 20th century.

whoever said...

i am a protestant christian and i find benny hinn blasphemous. maybe he could be the first person to be fined.