Ed Harris' Pollock (2000) features Harris as Jackson Pollock (1/28/1912-8/11/1956), the volatile American painter. It's an A grade independent film. The camera work is tight and well-suited to the subject; the overall story arc is compelling; performances are entertaining. Plus, the audience has the distinct reward of learning something about the modern art scene in the 1940s and early 1950s. I enjoyed Pollock, first time at the theatre when it first came out and second time on a smaller screen.
Besides the tightly focused Ed Harris, Pollock features Marcia Gay Harden as Pollock's talented and long-suffering partner, Lee Krasner; Jennifer Connelly in a brief part as Ruth Kligman; Val Kilmer as a beaming Willem DeKooning; and Amy Madigan in a pretty comic turn as Peggy Guggenheim. It's not what you know. It's who you know.
Today's Rune: Flow.
I love Jackson Pollock.
Erik, Here's one I've seen--and loved!!!
Pollock by all accounts makes me look like the voice of reason and sanity.
I'm actually not a Pollock fan at all. I'm much more into Surrealism in art.
I should probably watch this, allegedly being an artist & all. Sometimes people compare my abstracts to Pollack, but I don't see it so much. Regardless, it's a good thing.
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