Monday, February 08, 2010

Atlanta: The Kinks, 1980

It was a great joy to see the Kinks in excellent form.  Their impact runs deep into other bands and artists, no question. Ray Davies, the brooding genius, his brother Dave with the frenetic guitar, the rest of the band.

The Fox Theatre in Atlanta, seating fewer than 5,000 people,  a majestic venue right out of One Thousand and One Nights. The show: October 20, 1980. The price of admission: $9.75.  My sister Linda was doing archaeological fieldwork on the new MARTA line at the time.

The Kinks were touring behind One for the Road (1980), a nifty live album that captures the time. God save the Kinks!

Today's Rune: Signals.


Cup said...

You were there? I was there!

Charles Gramlich said...

Now there is a band I would have loved to see live.

the walking man said...

Missed them. Always was a bit ambivalent towards Ray Davies and his lyric.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Always liked YOU REALLY GOT ME NOW. It sums up that era so well in terms of the sound especially.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Beth, that is super cool! As catted up ove ron Facebook, too ;->

Charles, I'm guessing they'll do more for the road at some point.

Mark, fascainting. Specific songs, or the whole range?

Patti, that's a great one, along with "All Day and All of the Night" around the same time.

the walking man said...

Pretty much the whole range Erik. Their music never really caught my ear. *shrug* I understand historically they were cutting edge but they just never were a group that meant much to me.

Erik Donald France said...

Mark, I can see that. If we all liked the exact same things it'd be pretty dull, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

I still have the t-shirt I bought at that concert at the Fox.