Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crazy Heart

Scott Cooper's Crazy Heart (2009) is a very good low-key film with a wonderful performance by Jeff Bridges and nifty accompanying music mostly by T-Bone Burnett. Jeff Bridges really sings, too. Listen for a Lightnin’ Hopkins track while Bad Blake (Bridges) waits for Jean Craddock (Maggie Gyllenhaal). Colin Farrell and Robert Duvall also put in superb work. Gyllenhaal is good playing the annoying Craddock (and I'm no fan of the character or the actor), but God knows how this divorced mother of one can afford such a nice house in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Aside from this little quibble, I really liked Crazy Heart. Based on Thomas Cobb's novel of the same name.

Today's Rune: Fertility.


Charles Gramlich said...

Jeff Bridges is one of the few actors I'll follow into a variety of films, even ones that don't seem down my alley. this looks like a pretty good one to me, though.

Lana Gramlich said...

I've heard this was a good flick. We'll have to look for it on DirecTV.

jodi said...

Erik, I hope I have the chutzpah to get my big rear out for this one, instead of waiting for HBO!! I have always dug Jeff Bridges..

Johnny Yen said...

Thanks for the recommendation. The Coen brothers rarely miss.

pattinase (abbott) said...

There's always one thing Hollywood doesn't get right. But it was a great performance in a fairly good movie with some nice tunes.