Saturday, March 13, 2010

Coffee and Common Sense

I. Attended a Coffee Party meeting today and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The epitome of civil society. And unlike the Tea Party folks I've heard speak, the people who spoke up at today's meeting actually knew what they were talking about. I highly recommend giving it a try -- great chance to meet a lot of new people of all ages and backgrounds. For more, please see

145,000 Facebook fans at the time of posting, and growing by leaps and bounds.

Tom Paine, 1777: "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

II. Good article: James McKinley, Jr., "Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change," New York Times, March 12, 2010. If the term "Texas Conservatives" doesn't make you shudder, it should. Apparently, they do not like Tom Jefferson because he advocated separation of Church and State. They must hate Tom Paine. And they most defintely love Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson, which supports my notion that many Tea Baggers are neo-Confederates at heart.

III. Great stories by JR and Charles!

For James R. Tomlinson, see: "Still Life in Detroit," Staccato (March 8, 2010) at

You will recognize today's Zeitgeist in this story that brings it all home.

And for Charles Allen Gramlich, download for $2.50 his scary story "Chimes" at

I downloaded this beautifully written text directly to my Dell laptop as a PDF file. 

The idea of chimes playing eerie music during a hurricane triggered a memory of my friend Frank's parents in North Carolina.  Like Charles' protagonist, Frank's mother had a sizeable collection of wind chimes hanging around the perimeter of the outside of their house. On the inside, Frank's father had a large collection of cuckoo clocks that went off at slightly different times. Talk about the sounds of Bedlam!  As for Frank, he started a business in Chapel Hill renting out time in isolation tanks like the one in Altered States.  Strange, but wonderful. 

Today's Rune: Wholeness.    Set clocks forward in most of the USA!


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Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

jodi said...

Erik, I am such a fool! Forgot to honor the time change and missed by morning boxing class. Grrrr.....

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