Monday, March 01, 2010

Make It Kinky

Kinky Friedman is running for Agriculture Commissioner in in the Texas Democratic Primary tomorrow; early voting already indicates a heavier turnout than at this time in 2006, when he ran as an independent for governor. Texas is still saddled with the seemingly endless Rick Perry, because there are no term limits. Texans, make it former Houston Mayor Bill White for Governor and Kinky for Ag' Commish!

Thoroughly enjoyed Kinky's take on the 2006 election: You Can Lead a Politician to Water But You Can't Make Him Think: Ten Commandments for Texas Politics (2007). It's real short but pithy and full of good stuff. As Kinky notes, "humor always sails dangerously close to the truth." There's a lot of fun stuff there, yes, and serious ideas, too, for making life better in Texas (and elsewhere, for that matter). On the cover, he reminds me of Lee Van Cleef. Inside, he salutes the late Molly Ivins and comes off as compassionate as well as sharp. My only real disagreement: he states clearly he has no liking for France -- given that it's my family name, he may pardon me for liking France, the country, its people and its culture. Other than that, I agree with him about eighty percent of the time. He has books aplenty, and albums, too. He'll make a great Agriculture Commissioner because, "Why the Hell not?" And, as he said of being governor, "How hard could it be?"

Today's Rune: Strength.


the walking man said...

Nothing hard about politicians...the laziest breed on the planet once they get that coveted place at the trough.

Charles Gramlich said...

I see you and Sidney both seem to respect Kinky, uhm, the guy that is, so maybe I should give him some more consideration. I respect you guys' opinions.

Lana Gramlich said...

We've got some of Mr. Friedman's works at my library. I've often considered checking it out. I'll have to give it a shot (once I'm through the books I have now.)

jodi said...

Erik, a politician named Kinky? Finally. One who admits it! He shouldn't be haten' on the France, Erik or otherwise!

Johnny Yen said...

Love Kinky, musically and politically. Molly Ivins was a national treasure. My best friend lent me "Shrub" years ago and he's never gotten it back; I keep lending it, with his blessing, to other people. My son is currently borrowing it.

I agree with you on the France-hating. Based on false stereotypes. One of my college friends toured Europe right around the time we both finished grad school and he told me about how warm and friendly most of the French people he met were; he mentioned strangers in villages inviting him in for dinner when they met him.

Johnny Yen said...

Not to mention, of course, that we wouldn't even be a nation were it not for France's help in the American Revolution.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey y'all, thanks a million for the comments! WM, polis do have to dance on camera from time to time, or play the circus show at election time . . .

Charles, why the hell not? Lana -- it's hard for me to give a book synopsis without losing some of his quips in the process. Jody and Johnny, yeah! It's weird on the France thing -- helped with Independence, fought on the same side also in the world wars, and of so many countries the US has fought, it only had naval skirmishing in the so-called "Quasi-War." Let's not forget France's gift of the Statue of Liberty at the Centennial. But that's all right, if folks don't want to enjoy the pleasures of France, there are enough others who will.