Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Today we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day with an oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico -- explosion on the Deepwater Horizon, its sinking, loss of life and oil spill.  (Photo: US Coast Guard).

Let's hear it for the 2008 US GOP National Convention's clarion call to "Drill, Baby, Drill!"  Great idea.  Happy Day, fellow Earthlings . . .  Guzzle up the oil and let's hit the road, Jack . . .

Who on Earth minds a bloodbath when they've got oil hot on their breath? So wonders Iggy Pop on "Houston is Hot Tonight" (Party, 1981).

Today's Rune: Wholeness.


the walking man said...

Yes that fire on a rig was a bit of a contrast specifically when more people are thinking of other ways to power their lives.

jodi said...

Eric, I remember the very first earth day and now you have prompted me to blog about it! Thanks buddy!

Johnny Yen said...

I've got "A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash" on my instant queue for Netflix-- about the consequences when the petrol runs out. I'll post a review when I watch it.

Distributorcap said...

42,000 gallons per day being leaked into the Gulf -- some earth day. this place will be completely uninhabitable at some point in the not too distant future

Lana Gramlich said...

My manager's son works on the rig next to this one & saw the whole thing. Ironically, just 2 days before they'd all gotten together for more safety training...