Erich Maria Remarque's Der Weg zurück (1930/31) / The Road [Way] Back (1931) follows Im Westen nichts Neues [Nothing New in the West] (1928/29) / All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), yet I'm guessing relatively few have even heard of (let alone read) the English version for decades. That's a shame, because The Road Back deals with veterans trying to live after surviving traumatic events, an enduring social reality in the USA as well as Germany or most anywhere else.

Despite this hokey movie poster, I'd like to see the James Whale 1937 film version of The Way Back, especially a director's cut or reconstruction. Whale is better known for having made the influential 1930s horror films Frankenstein and Bride and Frankenstein (starring Boris Karloff), but he also served in the Great War, was a POW and later committed suicide, suggesting a lot more gravitas in his approach then the above poster suggests.
Today's Rune: Flow.
I'm an old fart & a couple of decades ago I came across on old paperback of The Way Home...I was familiar with All Quiet, having seen the movie & read the book, as well as Three Comrades & the great Sirk film version of A Time to Live, A Time to which Remarque played a part.
Well, The Way Home proved to me well worth reading... My best to you.
I'll look this one up once I complete the writers of the 19th century.
I have not read it, to my shame. I'm gonna put it on my next order for sure. All Quiet is trualy a fine book.
Thanks all for the comments! Kellofsiam, excellent -- thanks~~your way ahead of me on the movies~~ cheers, Mark and Charles, too~
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