Rhonda Welsh, Red Clay Legacy [Poems](Crimson Kairos, 2010). http://www.rhondawelsh.com/fr_home.cfm Rhonda, a former co-worker, is awesome!
Mark C. Durfee aka The Walking Man, The Line Between (Motor City Burning Press, 2010) Go here: http://themanwhowalksalonewalksfaster.blogspot.com/

Cassandra Swiderski, Passengers (2011). This "novel features two stories set against the backdrop of the Great Depression in Kansas." Swiderski (Spieles) is Collections and Resources Librarian, Macomb Community College (South Campus), in Warren, Michigan, USA. As an adjunct, I taught English at Macomb for several years and heartily support a fellow librarian!

Storylandia 3, The Wapshott Journal of Fiction: Michelle Brooks, Dead Girl, Live Boy, a 2011 novella; Ginger Mayerson, Editor. Here's one way to order it: https://www.createspace.com/3547683

Finally, here's an artifact from Super Bowl XL (2006) "Motown Style." It's a bar napkin scan, but as such, is it a signal or a sign?
Today's Rune: The Self.
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