Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day 2011

Earth Day 2011. How does one help make life on Earth better -- right here and now? On any scale, small or large? Today, some people plant trees, work on passive conservation layout, consider landscape ecology, spruce up urban spaces, combine ecological and cultural efforts, seek alternatives to destructive practices. There is competition. It's certainly easier to destroy than to nurture creation. But it ain't over 'till it's over. Work the good works and keep on keeping on.  

Seems like a fundamental problem is the drive for short-term gain without due consideration for the future -- even five or ten years down the path, let alone fifty. Can we rethink this? Or will we always take the half-ass way out, everything good or necessary or desirable underfunded, undersupported and under-appreciated in support of quarterly profits?

What does the contemporary society as a whole value most, if anything at all? I know what I value personally, but it's clear that many others privilege very different things. What seems clear to me must seem obscure to someone else. Is there common ground? Is there higher ground? And can we find it?

Today's Rune: The Mystery Rune.

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