Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Walker Percy: A Documentary Film by Win Riley

If you're interested in Walker Percy, writers, writing, novels, essays, New Orleans, philosophical exploration, religion, arriving at a Catholic worldview, Existentialism, families with a history of suicide, life on Earth, humanity, "the possibility of the search," Shelby Foote, or any of the above, you would very probably like Walker Percy: A Documentary Film by Win Riley (2011). I certainly did.

I hope to write in more detail about this thoughtful production, but in the meantime, here's a link to the official website:

Individual people can order it directly via here (which I did recently) for $20.00 (or $250 for institutional purchases):

Today's Rune: Fertility.


Sidney said...

Interesting. Love Percy. I'm tweeting this.

the walking man said...

Sorry but Governor Snyder is stealing all our non needed for living cash. He unlike Walker Percy is not an existentialist catholic who probably doesn't even know who Shelby Foote was.

Charles Gramlich said...

Apparently Percy spent a lot of time in Covington over here, which is just a few miles from our place.