Monday, October 24, 2011

Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction, Part 2

More tidbits from Richard Lyman Bushman's Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2008) and beyond.  

No tea, coffee, tobacco, or alcohol (page 47).

No pre-marital sex. Since 1890, no new polygamy in the main organizations. (Joseph Smith, Jr., had "more than thirty" wives, but that was "back in the day" -- page 87).

Tithing (10% for those who can afford it) and help for the poor.

"Work for the dead" (page 60).

(Chart source: LDS).

". . . God once was a man and had a father like everyone else. He lived on earth and was taught and advanced under the tutelage of a preceding God" (page 74). There was a chain of Gods before and there will be a chain of Gods forever . . . (which actually sounds almost Hindu to me -- cool idea).

For this cycle anyway, people will make their way out of choice from this life to one of the following after death: the Celestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom, the Telestial Kingdom, or Outer Darkness, aka Hell (Satan and the Sons of Perdition).

Naturally, if you're a Mormon you can make it to the top -- the Celestial Kingdom -- if you play your existential cards right (which reminds me that Mormons aren't supposed to gamble and even a non-gambling but literal game of cards is considered a waste of time that may lead to worse things).

Today's Rune: Fertility.


JR's Thumbprints said...

No pre-marital sex? Hey ... why complain when there's marital sex to the nth degree (within limits of partners of course).

t said...

I've been reading the Bible. How it got us all captivated is what I want to know (and I have loved the Bible before.)
I mean, "the best book to read", endless quoting and misquoting, for what is basically Jewish folklore/history? Miracles and Wars have sprung out of this book. How?
And how come there are no miracles (or magic) in Mormonism? said...


In all reverence,

Jesu Cristo!

and all the latter guys.

Charles Gramlich said...

I've found that pretty much all religions have some admirable qualities. And generally some not so admirable. I guess that's just the nature of human beings who create them.