Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Elements of Choice

Choose light, dark or vegan. You could choose light and dark, but not light + dark and vegan without making it non-vegan overall: it's a choice between that or vegan. Or you could skip Thanksgiving feasting altogether, making it a Thanksgiving fasting.

On Thanksgiving Day, I'll probably sample everything on the table. How about you?

To get to that particular table, I'd prefer to go mostly by train, but time is of the essence. Instead, I've chosen to walk to a car that I will drive to a parking lot to take a shuttle to a corridor to a jet plane through space and time to a distant location to be picked up by a sibling to be driven to a distant house where I will undoubtedly choose to sleep through the rest of the night, if all goes as planned. By tomorrow at this time, a seat at the table.

Meanwhile, cheers to all!

Today's Rune: Wholeness.  


jodi said...

Erik, I am enduring the four hOur trip to Moms, but it will be worth it. I intend to sample most everything also! In addition to a good, chilled vino. Feast well dear friend!

the walking man said...

I think I will have my dinner from pill bottles and then sleep through the madness of it.

Charles Gramlich said...

I will sample many things, vegetables the least. :)

Anonymous said...

Not wanting to sound like an obsequious sycophant I am thanking you for the enlightenment your blog brings me. Happy Thanks giving Erik. Also, from the motor city...Go Lions!!!!! MW

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks all for the comments! Much appreciated! MW, a rough day against the Packers, but at least they scored again at the end. Cheers ~~!