Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Boys Keep Swinging

Boys, keep swinging! Here in the USA, we've got the best of all possible leaders at every level. We've got the best of all possible corporate chairmen. We've got the best of all possible presidents. The best of all possible Congresses. The best of all possible majority leaders and the best of all possible committee chairmen. We've got the best of all possible Supreme Court justices. We've got the best of all possible governors. The best of all possible mayors. We've got the best of all possible roads and the best of all possible social services. We've got the best of all possible disaster managers and of course we're fighting the best of all possible wars. Naturally, we've got the best of all possible versions of the best of all possible religions. We speak, without question, the best of all possible languages. We've got the best of all possible of anything and everything. And lest we forget, we're living in the best of all possible times. Boys, keep swinging!

Today's Rune: Wholeness.

Let us defy those dreadful words of Madame de Pompadour, that awful foreigner, in the best of all possible manners:

Après nous, le déluge.


Anonymous said...

When will we learn? Powerful post, Erik!

Anonymous said...

Haha, and powerful, yes! Why do you stay there? Can't you kick your monarchy out, over there?

I want good American back! The rest of the world wants it too!

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks Robin and Richard for your comments. Richard, good q's. Given the latest round of jingo, I'm glad to live close to the Canadian border. If the US attacks Iran and North Korea over their missile projects, it may be time to exit until Bush and co. are gone. Our "Founding Fathers" erred on the side of caution -- a parliamentary system would have been a better choice as far as having mechanisms to change leadership coalitions rather than having to wait for a set election cycle. Impeachment hardly ever works. Plus it would be good to have more than two parties.

Here's to good America coming back.