Thursday, November 09, 2006


This momentous week has been exciting to behold. In a matter of days, the landscape shifted dramatically. The new way will be difficult and challenging, no question, but the grandscale pillaging and wreckage of the past five or more years may be in the rearview mirror, at least for a while. It's a happy surprise, for sure. The idea of better national unity, or at least pragmatic coalition building and problem solving, is appealing.

With good cheer, I'm looking forward to the weekend and Thanksgiving. And then the holidays after that. 2007 will be an interesting year, certainly.

Happy Birthday, Anne Sexton (11/9/1928-10/4/1974).

Today's Rune: Fertility.

Adieu, adieu.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Anne Sexton.

JR's Thumbprints said...

As an employee for the State of Michigan, I'm hoping for an easy transition back to normalcy. No more crazy forms justifying my job; instead, more time to make things work.

That is a neat pic of Anne Sexton.

ZZZZZZZ said...

neat picture!

Bird on a Wire said...

I agree, wonderful pic.