Sunday, January 07, 2007

Houston Is Hot Tonight

Adult Warning: A heavy dose of irony mixed with raw fact is embedded in this post. Don't try this at home.


Now I don’t mind
a bloodbath
when I’ve got oil
on my breath.

Iggy Pop, “Houston is Hot Tonight” (1981)

Everybody, there's a big party in Baghdad and you're you're invited. There are a lot of free-fire zones, so if you elect to go you might want to pack some heat, a flak jacket and some extra body armor. And actually, you might want to enlist in the armed forces, or become a civilian contractor (don't forget, there's plenty of danger pay involved, so it's a good deal for your family, if you have one, even if you're kidnapped and tortured to death or just lose a few limbs along the "highway" between the Baghdad International Airport and the Green Zone). If you're not in the military or with a reconstruction contractor, you might want to sign on with an official government (any officially recognized government will do, even that of El Salvador) just to be on the safe side. Also, you might want to know a few basic party tips first so you don't randomly shoot people or burn their homes down by mistake:

Contrary to what several U.S. military officers at the Virginia Military Insitute called them within my earshot many years ago, the people in and around Iraq and Iran are best not labeled “Sand niggers.” Not a good way to make friends or to inspire even grudging respect from your natural enemies.

Fact number 1: Iranians/Persians are not Arabs.
Fact number 2: Turks and Turkmen are not Arabs.
Fact number 3: Kurds are not Arabs.
Fact number 4: Armenians are not Arabs.
Fact number 5: Assyrians/Chaldeans are not Arabs.
Fact number 6: About 75% of Iraqis are Arabs.
Fact number 7: None of these ethnicities are “black.”
Fact number 8: Most of these people do not reside “in the sand.”
Fact number 9: "Niggers" is not a nice word -- you should know better.

Also, if you live in Metro Detroit, you may or may not know that many representatives from each of the aforementioned "ethnicities"/cultures live in the area. Be nice.

Fact number 10: "Race" does not actually exist except as an evil social codification for perpetrating Slavery, Apartheid, Genocide, and "Ethnic Cleansing." Check it out for yourself if you believe otherwise. However, you can always tell who is violently dominating in any one particular place -- and for any given time period -- by how race/ethnicity/religious status/sexual orientation is legally classified, and how "mixed" or "unconventional" families are treated, socially or legally.

As for differences between various factions of Sunnis and Shi'ites, don't even get me started. You should know better by now. US citizens especially should have some idea that as of the time of writing this post, their elected government has spent or appropriated 357 billion U.S. dollars on this latest Iraq block party. (Man, imagine a billion and change invested in the infrastructure of each and every one of the most populous 350 American cities instead!)

Also, if you go to Baghdad voluntarily or otherwise, I hope you enjoy yourself! You may soon be accompanied by thousands of additional Americans sent ("surged") there by the President of the USA, even if he is a lame duck. After all the smoke clears, looks like he'll still be quacking for another two long years. As for me, I'll take my chances elsewhere, thank you very much. Short of WWIII, I'm way too old for the Draft. Are you?

Today's Rune: Movement.

Bon voyage!


JR's Thumbprints said...

I know plenty of young inmates who wish they were invited to this party. Anything for their freedom. To them, it's not about spreading democracy and containing terrorism. Most of them wouldn't even know what they were fighting for. No more, "I'm bored, chairman of the bored."

Danny Tagalog said...

"...their elected government has spent or appropriated 357 billion U.S. dollars on this latest Iraq block party. (Man, imagine a billion and change invested in the infrastructure of each and every one of the most populous 350 American cities instead!)"

It's staggering isn't it. Just imagne - if people started to protest and use their rights...

Erik Donald France said...
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Erik Donald France said...

Hey guys, it's an Iggy world. In the words of H.L. Mencken published in 1919 after the War to End All Wars that, after all, artificially carved the boundaries of Iraq and Kuwait in the first place: "The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are." But also, to tweak and invert Mencken and P.T. Barnum, no one ever went broke overestimating the apathy and distractedness of the greater American public.

Bird on a Wire said...

Do I sense sarcasm?

Excellent points all around.

ZZZZZZZ said...

Oh my goodness! What a scary picture of iggy pop! haha I don't think I want to go to the party in Baghdad. I guess I'm not a party hard kinda girl! happy weekend!

Johnny Yen said...

Brilliant commentary and best use ever of an Iggy Pop song for political purposes. As you can guess by the name of my blog, I'm a fan.

On that same album, there is a song called "Sincerity." It's about the "Lucky Number," or "Club 950" here in Chicago. When Bowie was here in Chicago in 1981 doing a stage version of "The Elephant Man," Iggy came to hang out with them. They hung at the 950 together. It was a great club, opened in '79 or so by a Croatian mechanic who loved punk (his mechanic shop was next door to the club). It closed in 2000. It reopened briefly in another location, but closed again.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks, y'all for the comments, much appreciated. Johnny, that's way cool -- I take it you were also in a band? Love Chicago, used to live there for a couple years as a kid.

Johnny Yen said...

Unfortunately no, I'm not in a band. It's funny, though-- this weekend my wife was urging me to get into one or form one-- she said I have "the right personna" for it, whatever that means.

When and where did you live in Chicago?

I don't know if it's me getting old (45) or what, but it seems like there aren't as many cool places to go as there used to be in Chicago. There were great clubs like the 950 and Gaspar's, all gone. In the late eighties, I lived with two college friends in Wrigleyville. It was a short walk to the Caberet Metro. It was great seeing Iggy Pop and other greats in a small club, and then being able to walk home.

Hey-- have you read "A Peace to End All Peace," by David Fromkin? He goes into detail about the whole post-WWI settlement that basically guaranteed a couple of centuries of trouble in the mideast. Winston Churchill was one of the main architects.

A lot of people don't know that Iraq probably had a pretty legitimate claim to Kuwait (not that this was Hussein's real motive). Iraq nearly went to war over it in 1961.

Erik Donald France said...

We're about the same age; I lived in Justice, IL for a couple years in the late 60s on the family's way to St. Paul and then Durham, NC. Most of the clubs I know are/were in NC, Atlanta, Philly, and Detroit.

Good book, that. I teach a course on WWI/1920s every few years. Great way to absorb new materials on watch all the pertinent films.

Cheers, E'

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