I'm always amazed when people say they can't seen any differences between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
Thin slicing: thirty seconds of the Democratic and GOP conventions would suggest any number of differences, some superficial and some bone deep.
What I see when I see the 2008 gathering of Republicans is pictured above and below, with a video clip thrown in for good measure.
Send in the Clowns . . .
Today's Rune: Fertility.
Those Republican Dogs will come up with policies with a nice bark, but when it's time to implement those policies there will be no bite.
The biggest difference I see (work related of course), is a crazy paper trail of reports that serve no purpose -- that is, unless the purpose is to slow down promises of where the money should be spent. Example: No Child Left Behind.
Deficit spending seems to be a trade mark of the last 12 Bush years both pappa and son. MW
I've always thought of the Republicans as being more foreign policy oriented and the Democrats as more domestic. At least since the resignation of LBJ. We can now use history to determine which was the better agenda for the nation.
If the Hanoi Hilton couldn't break John McCain's resolve to do what's best for his country, the angry left never will.--GWB
It just gets me that McCain chose that strange woman from Alaska as his running mate. Is he insane? I'm independent so I could go either way with my voting. The Republicans, who are not strong in the sense of equality of the sexes, actually think that a woman running mate will set McCain above Obama. His running mate is a good man, so far as we've come to know, and was a great choice that will help strengthen the weaknesses that Obama has in his indecisiveness of his personal life (changing churches, wearing the flag pin, etc).
McCain on the other hand had a very sound and strong policy but I think he has made an erroneous choice with Palin, who comes from a shit storm of controversy in Alaska surrounding her personal life, family life and moral decisions. She is widely inexperienced as their governor, which may bode well in a small-populated state, but can she help lead an entire country? Kwame governs more people in Detroit than she does in the entire state of Alaska.
I'm very curious to see how this pans out, come November.
Amen, brother.
Watching the Republican convention now, as I do every 4 years to remind myself why I'm a Democrat - flawed as they are.
Never in a million years could I vote for these guys...
Thanks y'all for the comments!
Much appreciated!
I'll get into my own perceptions of their specific socio-political differences at some point.
I remember that movie - es wahr sehr gut! Also one with another unforgettable "human dog" scene: Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Also quite reminescent of Republicanism in general.
A simple glance can tell a lot. We were watching the McCain speech last night at work and laughed at how white and old the crowd was.
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