Saturday, November 08, 2008

Adding it Up

This cartogram shows how the East and West coasts enveloped the land-locked and the old Confederate heartland. It also shows how few people live in the old Cowboy states -- a much more telling reality than traditional territorial maps of vast empty spaces.

I'm SO glad North Carolina broke Obama's way. If ever there was an election where votes counted, this is it . . . Tar Heel Land is roughly half and half, half progressive and half regressive. But this time Jesse Helms is gone, and Barack Obama is in.

Today's Rune: Flow.


Lana Gramlich said...

Now to see how people really like "change." I just hope we can rebuild the ruins that W. left us. Aren't you glad he "protected" us over the last 8 years? *snort*

Sidney said...

Indeed, this time, the people spoke.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Before they called the election I thought about the Confederate heartland and couldn't help but wonder if race (or should I say, "the Bubba vote") factored into it.

Johnny Yen said...

I was amazed at how many votes Obama did get in many "red" states-- over 40% in a lot of them. In a way, that's progress.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Todd of MSNBC said Tx might become a battleground state next go around because of the growing Hispanic populace. Nothing would make me happier.