Wednesday, December 31, 2008

23 Skidoo, Still Pitching the Woo

Ritual, things one does or that occur on a regular basis, maybe once a year (celebrate New Year's) or once a day (eat dinner). Pray, meditate, personal hygiene, sleep, etc. Birth, marriage/divorce, death, and specific rituals linked to each milestone.

Other examples: Go to class; go to mosque, synagogue, church; the club; the movies; to bed. Rosary; yoga; workout; check email; vox messages; mail; the weather forecast; astrological forecast; runes; tarot cards; news; gossip; sports (national anthem).

Any other rituals pop into mind?

New Year's:

Black-eyes peas -- insert a clean penny for extra luck but be careful not to swallow it by mistake; don't do laundry or throw stuff out and don't pay bills, either, on New Year's Day; do something you love to do and want to keep doing all year (like writing, if you intend to write). Be kind. Pass the peas. Count blessings. Make resolutions.

Great Garbo wants to know.

Today's Rune: Initiation. Happy New Year, folks!


Enemy of the Republic said...

I've never liked this holiday much.

Charles Gramlich said...

I generally start my new year on the 2nd because the first is dedicated to football.

happy new year!

Danny Tagalog said...

Hiroko Tagalog's rituals are:

1) Spending two hours in fromt of the mirror in the morning,

2) Having an impulse to tie plastic bags into a knot after using them.

Does she need to see a doctor, Erik?

the walking man said...

I have no rituals simply habits. Nothing SUPERnatural ever occurs to me only natural events. In the Walking Man's world everything that happens works to further the line of progress.

Have a great time in the next year Erik!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cool blog

Anonymous said...

Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!

Anonymous said...

Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!