Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Keep Me in a Daydream, a Moonage Daydream

The end of '008 is nigh, time to break out a trusty prompt on superstitions . . .

Do you, or does anyone you know or have ever known, believe in or respond to certain superstitious beliefs? Supernatural events?

We'll get some of them out on the table right away (knock on wood). Black cat crosses your path; don't open an umbrella inside; nor walk under a ladder; toss a pinch of salt over your shoulder immediately after a salt shaker falls over; Friday the 13th, beware; full moon, be wary; various OCD reactions to crossing a railroad track or passing a graveyard/cemetery; various wedding traditions; sports; gambling; games of luck; shooting star!

A live bird or bat gets in your house. What does it mean and how do you respond? An owl hoots in daylight. Now what? There's a black dog walking down the road. What to do?

And so on. This, along with the next post's responses (rituals) are always great fun in college writing classes, especially when there's a variety of cultures and age groups represented. . .

Today's Rune: Warrior.


Anonymous said...

i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

Anonymous said...

Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!