Monday, December 15, 2008

The Last Days of Emperor Bootsie

Here's another mashup: this one's a timely little mutation of Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking" (1966), artist via YouTube.

With flying footwear so much in the news lately, it must have been synchronicity that I'd copied the embed code for this and also downloaded John Lee Hooker favorites including "No Shoes" and "Democrat Man" (1960) just before the news flash from Iraq.

A snippet of "Democrat Man" goes like this:

I know I'll get shoes, I'll get clothes
when the Democrats get back in again
Vote them, vote them in
I'm a Democrat man, I'm a Democrat man . . .
It won't be long, whoa yeah
I'm a Democrat , I'm a Democrat man
And I'll be until the day I die . . .

The Ides of December. Today's Rune: Possessions.


Joe said...

I'd never heard of that John Lee Hooker song. I gotta find that for my mom. She loves those old-time Democrats.

jodi said...

Christmas eve 1967, I got the sah-weetest pair of white go go boots ala Nancy S. I wore them till the faux leather peeled off!

JR's Thumbprints said...

I'm a Democrat , I'm a Democrat man ... and I can't wait until the foreign auto companies in the United States unionize. I can see it now, those companies packing-up and leaving, while the UAW grows stronger and finds jobs for the displaced workers.

the walking man said...

I don't know exactly what I think about the flying shoe affair. The Arab world has made this man into a folk hero.On the one hand it is the ultimate Iraqi finger given to the obtuse president. On the other it is a sign of true Iraqi sentiment towards the US and it's citizens who serve there. Is it that they want us to unilaterally withdraw all support from Iraq, troops, and money? It is well past time.

I suppose that they would still want to keep receiving money...they wanted us to kill Saddam and leave, it is five years past giving them what they desired...they can go to hell because of this insult.

Charles Gramlich said...

Nancy had a way boots.

Anonymous said...

Talk about "degrade my boot"!