Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On the Night Before Christmas

. . . A break from the world, a Christmas truce with reality, and Happy Holiday wishes to all! I'll be back soon with more mobile musings on culture and the state of the world . . .

Today's Rune: Warrior.


the walking man said...

Stay calm the world will wait and do so enjoy the break Erik.

Mark Krone said...

Merry Christmas, Erik. Congratulations on your blog. It was a pleasure to read this year; keep up the great work.

With high hopes for 2009, despite everything.


Sidney said...

I like the notion of a truce with reality. Hope you had a great day.

lulu said...

Merry Christmas!

jodi said...

Enjoy your holiday, Erik.

Erik Donald France said...

Thank you all so much!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays back to you, and here's to a smashingly fantastical 2009!

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't know if reality allows truces. It's pretty aggressive.