Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Adventures of John Lee Hooker

A good overview of my favorite bluesman -- Boogie Man: The Adventures of John Lee Hooker in the American Twentieth Century (2000, 2002) by Charles Shaar Murray. Lots of details about his Detroit years, and about Detroit in those years. One of the places he lived was on Pennsylvania, just off Mack Avenue. And let's not forget Hastings Street, now site of an Amtrak crossing, oft-stolen street signs and large abandoned buildings -- what little is left of it.  

The book might have been compressed somewhat, cut by fifty pages or so, but I've kept it over the years.

My favorite jazz player is John Coltrane, originally from Hamlet, North Carolina, but also well associated with Philadelphia. How about you -- any favorites in either genre or from either city?

Today's Rune: Partnership.


jodi said...

Erik, I am still learning to appreciate that type of music. I am so much more a disco queen!

the walking man said...

I think my favorite Detroit born and bred musician would have to be Marvin Gaye. Though it is a long long list.

Most of the music I saw performed in Philadelphia was from out of town bands and such that were passing through, but the most intimate show I saw there was without a doubt Doc Watson.

Steve Malley said...

Bloody *LOVE* John Lee Hooker!! I'm going to have to hunt down that book now...