Monday, July 12, 2010

Mexico: Bicentenario Independencia / Centenario Revolución

Another milestone year, 2010 represents the 100th anniversary of the start of the Mexican Revolution, a sprawling and intense conflict that left an estimated one to two million dead; and the 200th anniversary of the start of the Mexican Wars for Independence from Spain. In popular culture, a much bigger spotlight has shone on the more recent Revolution, which was also a complex civil war. Both left Mexico devastated yet surviving.

Recommended books include Timothy J. Henderson's The Mexican Wars for Independence (2010) and  Elena Poniatowska's Las Soldaderas: Women of the Mexican Revolution (2006).

Today's Rune: Fertility.


Charles Gramlich said...

Mexico has such a rich heritage and history. I've always been intersted in it though I've never had time to truly immerse myself.

Johnny Rojo said...

Excellent suggestions. Might I add Shirley Soto's "Emergence of Modern Mexican Woman: Her Participatrion in Revolution and Struggle for Equality, 1910-1940," which I read on a train trip in 1992 or so on my way to visiting my parents in Raleigh, North Carolina when they lived there.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks for the comments! Charles, agreed on all counts; Johnny, much appreciated -- I'll check it out!
