Sunday, June 02, 2013

Ephrata Cloister Redux

I'm delighted to post these scans made from newly "rediscovered" (that is, retrieved from storage) film negatives of Ephrata ("effretta") Cloister in Pennsylvania. The Sisters House centered here dates back to 1743. The original photo dates to about 1992.
 Meeting House (or Meetinghouse, if you prefer) dating to 1741. The tiny windows, steep roof and length all stand
out -- quite medieval in appearance.

The remarkable utopian religious community of Ephrata was created by Germans who arrived via Philadelphia. The Sisters and Brothers lived relatively ascetic lives; the Householders surrounding the core area, on the other hand, could marry and have children, ensuring communal survival. The last cloister member died in 2008. It's an amazing place, very peaceful and serene. 

Today's Rune: Joy.  


Evan said...

Very cool! I remember that day we went there to check it out. When was that - 1989, 1990 or so? I still recall the sleeping quarters for the celibate order with the half- width bare wooden bunks and the block of wood for a pillow. German Seventh Day Baptists...

Erik Donald France said...

Hey, man ~ sounds about right on the dates, but a journal entry would nail the calendar date. Unleavened bread also, flatbread -- cool folks there.